Monday, May 16, 2011

Wine Tasting Party

This past weekend some of my friends and I had an absolute blast doing a mini wine tasting party! This was our first one and as we were doing it I thought about how much fun it would be for a shower or a co-ed engagement party! You could have guests bring gifts to help the couple entertain or bring a second bottle of wine to help the couple start their collection.
Here is how we did it:
Every couple brought a $20 or less bottle of red wine.
The couple put's it in a numbered bag and tie's it shut.
Place tasting cups next to each bottle of wine.
The table is ready for the tasting to begin!
Score cards are on table with numbers, notes, and a place to rank the wine.
Oyster crackers in little cups to help cleanse your palate.
The boy's doing some tasting!

The winner's!


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